Friday, June 6, 2014

Why do we have 32 teeth?

are you teeth veg or non-veg
Adult humans have 32 teeth in their mouth. These teeth perform different functions. Let’s know some details about how all these teeth names, how they work in our mouth and the teeth numbers.
Incisors are the first set of eight teeth present in the front row. Four of them are in the upper jaw and four in the lower one. Their main job is to bite the food that is being eaten. In addition to that, they also prevent the food from coming out of the mouth. It is therefore; always better to keep your mouth shut when you have food in it. They are the first set of teeth to appear in children at the age of 6 months.
Canines teeth are the second set of teeth adjacent to incisors. They are four in number. They start appearing at the age of nine. Their main function is to tear and rip the food apart, mainly meat. As the meat is hard to cut as compared to vegetables, canines are of great help in this matter. That is why they are the sharpest of all teeth.
Premolars are a set of eight teeth after canines. They are also known as bicuspids. Four of them are present on each side. Their main duty is to chew and grind the food into smaller particles in order to be swallowed.
Molars are the last set of teeth we have in our mouth. Molars are twelve in number, six being on each side, three in each upper and lower jaw. The last ones appear at later stage of life and are called wisdom teeth. The main function of molars is to chew the food to break it down into smaller particles.
All these teeth in a coordinated way. They look tiny but they perform a big job. The incisors help to take the bite, if the food is meat and help is needed to tear the part of meat, canines are there to help. Then the food moves to premolars who grind and chew the food and pass it on to the molars. They perform the similar process and by the time the food reaches to the start of alimentary canal, it is in the form of small particles, which is easy to swallow. Further processing on food continues in the stomach.
Nature has given humans both options in the matter of food selection. If he likes he can enjoy the taste of non-veg food. Canines are there to help if needed. If he likes vegetables, then again all sets of teeth are there to help. It is man’s own choice, whether to eat veg or non-veg food. Nature is there with him both ways.

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