Friday, April 18, 2014

10 Tasty Health Benefits of Watermelon

benefits of watermelon
Fruits are a great gift of nature. They all have different tastes and color and ripe in different seasons of the year. All have great nutritional benefits and help us enjoy their taste as well as keep us healthy and fresh.
Watermelon is a fruit huge in size and reddish in color. One person can hardly finish a full sized watermelon in one sitting, though the taste is so great you cannot stop eating. Watermelon has a number of health benefits for all of us to benefit from. A few of the major benefits from watermelon are listed below.

Good for Heart
It increases the amount of arginine, which is an amino acid used in making nitrous oxide, in the body. This oxide help to relax blood vessels. This would help avoid strokes and heart attacks.
Helping the Kidney

Watermelon helps the kidney filter body fluids in a better way. Major portion of the watermelon pulp is water that actually help to remove any foreign particles along with urine. It also helps remove kidney stones. Watermelon pulp contains potassium that helps to remove toxic elements from the body through urine. Thus, maintains a healthy uric acid level in the blood.

Helps Hydration
As major part of the watermelon pulp is water, it thus help to maintain required amount of water in the body, thus helping to avoid de-hydration. This is particularly helpful in hot days of summer when water requirements of our body increase, as most of it is lost through sweating.  Skin remains fresh and glowing if the required water level in the body is maintained.

Weight Control
The best benefit we can get out of it the delicious taste with extremely low calories. Nature has made everything with a balance. As the taste is so good, we like to eat a lot of it. Keeping in view our desire, nature has kept the calorie count to a lower level in watermelon. Thus, the regular use can help us control or weight.

Increased Mental Activity
Watermelon has a healthy effect on mind and the person eating it feels fresh and energetic, willing to do great work. This is because it contains enough amount of vitamin B6 that helps to speed up brain activity to perform mental tasks. It also helps to reduce stress and depression and aids in having a sound sleep.

Glowing Skin
If we intake required amount of liquids in our diets on regular basis, it has a positive effect on our skin as well. The skin shines, glows, and shows a healthy effect. Great amount of water available in watermelon help to achieve this effect. Skin gains power and revitalized if we make watermelon a regular part of our diet in summer.

Improves Vision
Presence of Vitamin A in watermelon helps the ability of eyesight. Immunity of the body increases and mucous membranes are also protected, also protects eyes from different eye infections.

Improves Healing Process

Healing process of the body speeds up with watermelon in the diet. An important amino acid that is involved in cell division and wound healing is also found in watermelon. It is the best natural medicine to accelerate the healing process of the body in case of any injuries.

Blood Pressure Control
Water is capable of reducing blood pressure in our body due to the increased amount of water in its pulp. The arginine amino acid present in watermelon helps relax blood vessels. This reduces the blood pressure throughout the body. Potassium and magnesium salts present in it also have an effect in regulating the blood pressure.

Helps in Anti-Aging
Watermelon helps as an anti-aging agent. It is a rich source of lycopene, Vitamin C and A. All these nutrients help fight the skin against wrinkle and dark spot formation. Its pulp can also be used as mask to derive maximum benefits.

Instant Energy Source
It is an excellent and instant source of energy due to the presence of electrolytes like sodium and potassium, other minerals and carbohydrates. All these components of watermelon pulp keep the body fresh and energetic.

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