Thursday, June 19, 2014

25 Amazing facts about eye

facts about human eye
Eyes are a great gift of nature. Most of the information we get about our environment is through eyes. It is very complex organ of the body that works in a coordinated fashion with a lot of parts being involved in its function. Here are some of the interesting and amazing eye facts you might not have known so far.
  1. Average time taken to blink an eye is about 1/10th of a second. It is very fast and often out of our control. It goes on unconsciously.
  2. Although science has made much progress in the field of medicine and surgery, with a most body parts being transplanted, doctors are not yet able to transplant an eyeball. The optic nerve that is the connection between the eye and the brain is too sensitive to be reproduced.
  3. On an average, a person blinks about 12 times in a minute, 14,280 times in a single day and about 5.2 million times in a year.
  4. Seeing is not a simple task. It is so complex that half of the brain is involved in this task, to analyze the coming signals and show the right picture at the right time.
  5. Eye muscles are the most active ones of the whole body. The common phrase, ‘in the blink of an eye’ really means something being done at great speed.
  6. More than 80% problems related to eyes and vision are avoidable if proper knowledge for the cure of eyes is given to people. If some problem arises, it is curable.
  7. With passing age, the eye lens loses the ability to focus. That is why people use reading glasses after the age of 43.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Why do we have 32 teeth?

are you teeth veg or non-veg
Adult humans have 32 teeth in their mouth. These teeth perform different functions. Let’s know some details about how all these teeth names, how they work in our mouth and the teeth numbers.
Incisors are the first set of eight teeth present in the front row. Four of them are in the upper jaw and four in the lower one. Their main job is to bite the food that is being eaten. In addition to that, they also prevent the food from coming out of the mouth. It is therefore; always better to keep your mouth shut when you have food in it. They are the first set of teeth to appear in children at the age of 6 months.
Canines teeth are the second set of teeth adjacent to incisors. They are four in number. They start appearing at the age of nine. Their main function is to tear and rip the food apart, mainly meat. As the meat is hard to cut as compared to vegetables, canines are of great help in this matter. That is why they are the sharpest of all teeth.

Friday, May 30, 2014

9 Facts About Sneezing You Didn't Know

how sneezing is good for our health
Sneezing is an important part of our body’s defense mechanism. Through this process, the body removes an irritation from the nose, caused by intake of any foreign object through breathing. When we breathe, the foreign particles enter our nose. Sensors present inside the nose detect these foreign objects. They further signal the cilia, which are hair like paddles lining our nostrils and sinuses, to create a movement to expel the foreign bodies. The burst of air produced by sneeze clears all the nasal passageways expelling the irritants out of the nose. The nose is often underestimated in the efforts of taking care of our body’s health. The common irritants causing the sneeze include dust, cold air or pepper. People allergic to some other objects might also trigger sneezing. Whenever any of these objects tries to attack the system while entering through the nostrils, the sneeze system comes into play and saves us from many germs and bacteria who could have made a permanent home in the moist area inside our nostrils. The system really helps keep the body healthy. Here are some of the strange facts about sneezing that you might not have known before.

  1. We always close our eyes while sneezing. This act and involuntary and we are unable to keep our eye open while sneezing. This proves it is good to close the eyes while sneezing.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

10 Benefits of Fingernails You Seldom Cared

How fingernails are helpful for us
Human body is full of wonders. We have different organs in the body and a number of systems are working within out body. We are aware of some of them but most of systems work without our intention. This includes digestion of food, oxidation, blood circulation etc.
We have become so used to our body organs that we seldom realize its importance, the things we do with them. Realization only comes when we lose that part or it is damaged and we do not have any alternate available. Our finger and toenails are such wonders. They are so important they our Creator has added the power of regeneration in them. Regeneration power is found only in a few organs of the body and fingernails are one of them. We use them in performing different tasks but seldom realize how we would do without them. Fingernail as well as toenails are made of keratin proteins. Here some of the benefits we get from fingernails.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

8 Things About Earwax You Should Know

why do we have ear wax
Human body is full of wonders. There are hundreds of systems working simultaneously in human body. Some of them are controlled by us voluntarily while others are without our will and effort. They carry on working on their own. The objective of all these systems is to keep the body in the best of form, shape and abilities.
Earwax does not sound a good topic to discuss. People often avoid discussing it publicly because it does not sound interesting and mostly it is considered a private affair to take care of the cleanliness of one’s ears. The objective of the article is to convey useful information to the readers about how the wax is created in the ear and how it is beneficial for us. It might look a minor thing but it is one of the under-appreciated protective device of the body. Other devices include our skin, body hair, tears and sleep.

Friday, May 9, 2014

14 Things You Should Know Why We Cry!

benefits of crying for us
Human are a combination of feelings and emotions. Without feelings, we will be just like robots. We smile, laugh, get angry and cry in different situations. Crying is one of the emotions that everyone goes through in difficult times. It is often considered a weakness and most of the time attributed to women, particularly girls. If a man cries, he is often taunted for this weakness and he is told that crying does not suit men and it is only for women. I believe you cannot stop crying when you fall into a situation. This is a feeling that arouses by itself without any discrimination of gender. Here are some of the interesting things about crying you should know before you cry next time. I am sure you will find it quite interesting.

  1. Crying is a natural response to a feeling, usually sadness, though it could be extreme happiness in some cases.
  2. Crying is always beneficial. It is a safety mechanism of the body, which helps the body get rid of stress-related toxins. If not removed, they could cause serious diseases like blood pressure, nervous breakdown, migraine or diabetes. These materials are formed when we are tense, under pressure and sad.
  3. Tears are a natural way to remove those toxic materials from the body. After crying, the person feels relaxed and lighthearted.
  4. It is a system devised by nature in the gloomy times to reduce pain and tension.
  5. Crying also helps to overcome the sadness and hopelessness.
  6. Crying helps us re-unite our strength to face the problems with more courage and determination.
  7. Crying makes us feel better emotionally as well as physically.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

7 Benefits of Body Hair That You Didn't Know

benefits of body hair
Thing are not as useless as they appear. There are certain things that we do not know the details of, but it does not mean that those have no purpose in them. It is only our lack of knowledge that the science has not discovered any good use for them so far. We notice that scientists are still working on things that are already known and are making new discoveries every day discoveries. With the advancement in technology, new aspects of already discovered things are being explored.
Hair on human body is one such thing. Besides head, eyebrows and eyelashes, hair on the rest of the body are considered unnecessary and are always unwanted. Every effort is made to get rid of them. Here are some interesting details about human hair on different parts of the body.
  1. Body hair work like receptors. Scientists have experimented that people with more body hair are better bedbug detectors. Twenty-nine students were part of this experiment. Arms for half of them were shaved to verify how long it would take to detect bedbugs placed on their arm. The researchers found that body hair enhanced the ability to detect bugs on the body quickly. Thus, the hairs served as motion detectors.
  2. Hair on the head serve multiple purposes. People have different types of head hair, some have short curly hair, while others have long hair styles. Their colors also vary ranging from black hair to brown. In addition to making your personality attractive by different hairstyles as well keeping the barbers employed who are involved in different hair makeover, they protect our skull from extreme cold or heat. They also help the skull to respire.
  3. Hair on the eye brows are not only a thing of beauty. They are specially designed in a way that all of them lay down in the same direction i.e. starting from the mid of the face downwards. The special arrangement is helpful and is actually a protection for eyes against the perspiration or any other liquid coming down from the head. The liquid does not come down straight to the eye, rather changes its direction due to the hair on the eyebrows and passes from the sides.
  4. Hair on the eyelashes protect the eyes against dust particles and other microscopic organisms from entering the eye. They are actually our first line of defense against bugs, dust and other irritating objects.

Friday, April 25, 2014

15 Interesting Things About Skin That You Didn't Know

benefits we get from our skin
Anatomy of Human Skin
Humans have been created in the best of form and shape. There are so many systems running simultaneously in our body that we are seldom aware of all of them. Some of them are under our conscious control while most are working on their own based on the requirements of the body. Beautiful skin is one of such organs of the body that seems simple but actually performs a lot of functions. Some of them are:

  1. Skin is a unique organ of the body that covers all other organs. It is the largest of all the other sense organs and is not as simple as it looks. There are numerous systems attached to this organ and these all work in a coordinated fashion to aid the body in performing its functions smoothly. 
  2. As mentioned, it is the largest sense organ of human body and measures up to two square kilometers when stretched. By weight, it comprises about 15% of the body weight.
  3. Skin is the first defense line of the body against any foreign objects including virus and bacteria. It performs different important functions for the body that makes us to live easier and healthier. Skin always plays its role in keeping you healthy. You might not be noticing it but your skin is working all the time for that.
  4. Based on the climate, the skin helps to regulate body heat. In case of severe heat, perspiration helps to cool down body temperature while in extreme cold the shivering action of the body produces heat to cover the lack of heat in the body.
  5. Human skin consists of three layers. The out one is epidermis, which is composed of dead cells and is waterproof. The middle layer is dermis that contains sweat glands and hair. The lower most layer is sub-cutis having fats and larger blood vessels attached to it.
  6. Not all skin in every part of the body is same. It depends on the location. The thinnest skin is on the eyelids (about 0.02 mm) while the thickest skin is under the feet (1.4 mm)
  7. Dead out layer of the skin and fingernails is formed by keratin, which is a kind of protein.
  8. This organ of the body works continuously and renews itself in the cycle of 28 days.
  9. Sweat produced through the skin is actually odorless. It is the bacteria present in the skin that contribute to the bad smell of the sweat.
  10. The glands producing wax in the ear sweat glands specialized for this purpose.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

12 Interesting Things About Sleep That You Didn't Know

benefits of sleep
Man has been given countless blessings by the Creator. Some of them are the ones that we seldom realize to be a blessing. Sleep is one of such things. It has positive effects on our body when taken properly. Lack of sleep causes many complications. You can read the complete list of the benefits of sleep we all enjoy. Here I am going to list down some interesting aspects of sleep. I am quite sure most of the readers are seldom aware of these facts.
  1. If we calculate the total time of our sleep throughout our entire life, it makes up about one third or our life. If the average human life is believed to be 75 years, we spend 25 of these years sleeping. And interestingly, that is quite necessary.
  2. When a baby is born, parents sleep routine is disturbed. The mother suffers the most. At an average, six months of sleep of the parents is missed out in the first two years of their baby’s life. Children should be more respectful to their parents as they sacrifice a lot in bringing them up. You can read further, why we should respect our elders.
  3. The minimum sleep recommended by scientists is 7 hours per 24 hours. It is believed if the sleeping time is continuously reduced than recommended; the total life expectancy is also affected badly.
  4. If you do not have your complete sleep on regular basis, it could add to gaining weight. The process could be as fast as gaining 2 pounds of body weight in less than a week. This is quite fast actually.
  5. This is also interesting to know that human can live without eating anything for about two months but the maximum time they can live awake is 11 days. They are bound to sleep after that or their life would be in danger. This proves that sleep is even more important than the diet.
  6. Japanese have very interesting working habits. They know the body chemistry well. That is why sleeping at working hours is acceptable in japan. This actually shows that the person is exhausted by hard word and needs to have a break.

Friday, April 18, 2014

10 Tasty Health Benefits of Watermelon

benefits of watermelon
Fruits are a great gift of nature. They all have different tastes and color and ripe in different seasons of the year. All have great nutritional benefits and help us enjoy their taste as well as keep us healthy and fresh.
Watermelon is a fruit huge in size and reddish in color. One person can hardly finish a full sized watermelon in one sitting, though the taste is so great you cannot stop eating. Watermelon has a number of health benefits for all of us to benefit from. A few of the major benefits from watermelon are listed below.

Good for Heart
It increases the amount of arginine, which is an amino acid used in making nitrous oxide, in the body. This oxide help to relax blood vessels. This would help avoid strokes and heart attacks.
Helping the Kidney

Watermelon helps the kidney filter body fluids in a better way. Major portion of the watermelon pulp is water that actually help to remove any foreign particles along with urine. It also helps remove kidney stones. Watermelon pulp contains potassium that helps to remove toxic elements from the body through urine. Thus, maintains a healthy uric acid level in the blood.

Helps Hydration
As major part of the watermelon pulp is water, it thus help to maintain required amount of water in the body, thus helping to avoid de-hydration. This is particularly helpful in hot days of summer when water requirements of our body increase, as most of it is lost through sweating.  Skin remains fresh and glowing if the required water level in the body is maintained.

Weight Control
The best benefit we can get out of it the delicious taste with extremely low calories. Nature has made everything with a balance. As the taste is so good, we like to eat a lot of it. Keeping in view our desire, nature has kept the calorie count to a lower level in watermelon. Thus, the regular use can help us control or weight.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Is Time really moving fast these days?

is time really moving fast
We often hear people asking to finish up things quickly because the time left is very short and there are many things yet to be done. I often wonder how this can happen that we have more work to do but we are all short of time. I remember well my childhood when the days used to be too long. We did a lot of things during the whole day even then it didn’t end. We used to sleep during noon, mostly for the time to pass. Things seem changed these days. As soon as we get up early in the morning, a series of activities starts and continues till evening. We are so much absorbed in these activities that we seldom realize that the whole day has passed. Evening comes and then the night and one cycle is completed. It goes on the same way next day and again the next one. Days are continuously turning into weeks, weeks into months and years. It looks like the world clock has gained much speed in this era of ours. It passes so quickly that we often wonder how fast the time is moving. Not only our own time zones, but throughout the world, the situation seems identical.

Friday, April 4, 2014

How to benefit from mango nutrition in mango season

Mango is known as the king of fruits and is one of the sweetest fruits available these days. The taste of the mango is loveable. In the market it is available from April till September, though it can be obtained during winter as well from the cold storage but the taste differs. Summer is starting and mango season is approaching fast for all of us. There are different kinds of mangoes available throughout the world. Most of them are bulky in size and can be eaten in the same way. Some are comparatively smaller in size but more sweeter. Eating mangoes is really a fun along with taste. Here are some of the ways you can enjoy eating mangoes at home.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Immortality - The basic instinct for humans

some ways to be immortal
Man has always wished to live forever. In all the action and animation movies, we always see that the protagonist never dies, although he goes through a series of accidents, injuries and hurdles. This idea basically depicts man’s basic desire to live forever in this world. But in real life, we experience that this is not practicable.

People do die when face similar situations as faced by movie actors in the movies. This is because reality is totally different than the imaginary world. We can imagine anything we want. There is no limit.  Movies are actually a depiction of man’s imagination.

Millions of people came to this world since the birth of Adam. Everyone went to hereafter once he completed the life cycle here in this world. Man’s desire to live forever has always been there. He has been trying different ways to increase his age. Then he started doing things he might be remembered for, after his death. This was the way that became very successful for this purpose.

In every age of history, there were some men who are still remembered, not all of people of that age. The reason for this is that they did something different, something unique and something great that has kept them alive so far. This is the only way by which we, despite being mortal, can become immortal beings in this world. We will be remembered for what we do in this world when we are here.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

What I learnt from 'Gravity'

What I learnt from Gravity
‘Gravity’ is a great British–American science fiction thriller and space drama movie. It was directed, co-written, co-produced and co-edited by Alfonso CuarĂ³n, and stars Sandra Bullock and George Clooney as astronauts involved in the mid-orbit destruction of a space shuttle and their effort to return to Earth.
I was amazed to watch this movie. This is indeed a great movie to learn a lot from.  The vastness of outer space is shown along with the importance of earth for us humans. Here are a few lessons that I learnt from this movie.

Gravitational pull is a blessing
While being on earth, we seldom realize the importance of our own weight i.e. gravitational pull of the earth because it becomes quite common in use. We only notice it when we do not have it i.e. in the outer space when it weakens as we move away from the earth. In the absence of this force, life is horrible as is shown in this movie. Therefore, Gravity is one of the numerous blessing by our creator that we seldom realize.

Love and its Types

Types of love
Love is a force that all people have the ability to recognize regardless of religion, culture or personal experience. Although we don’t fully understand it, it is a part of everyone’s being. It can be defined as a feeling of strong connection and attachments which are persuaded by extreme delight and admiration, dedication and devotion to each other along with affection and tenderness.

Types of Love
Love can be categorized in three types.
Eros love – known as “erotic love”. It is based on strong feelings toward another. It usually occurs in the first stages of a man-woman “romantic” relationship. Eros is the word for sexual attraction or lust. It is quite simply, the urge to merge. It is generally dependent on the senses. It can come on quite suddenly and leave just as suddenly. This love is based more on physical traits. Say a person says he has “fallen in love” for a woman, because “she looked like an angel”. Or a woman “falls in love” for a guy because he is intelligent, has good breeding, etc. The weakness with this type of love is obvious. It is based more on “self-benefit”, of what can benefit you rather than the other person. The fact is that love by feelings alone cannot be called “true love” simply because they do not know each other that much yet. Two people feel this strong emotional attraction towards one another, though they barely really know about each other’s personalities. A person usually puts her/his best foot forward, showing only her/his good side. In order to be sure if “true love” exists, two people must know and accept each others’ good and bad traits. It is love that is untested by hardships, and therefore may or may not last in the long-term. It may or may not develop into a higher form of love – philos love. Eros love can only succeed in the long-term if it progresses into a higher form of love. Otherwise, it will not last. The romantic feeling common in “eros love” is natural, and an important part of a relationship between a man and a woman. Romance also plays a role in strengthening the bonds, especially at the start of a relationship. What we need to be careful of is assuming a relationship must be “real love” just because it is romantic, because all we feel is happiness. As with most anything in life, we must learn to use both our heart and mind to judge if something is real.
Media has romanticized this type of love too much. Common people are carried away from reality and are lost in imaginations. When they try to practice their imaginations in real life, it creates a lot of problems because reality is different from what is shown in the media. Based on this love, a new term is formed in western culture – single parent- though parents are always two. When both the individuals get all the physical benefits of each other, they separate and one has to take care of the kids. He/she is then called a single parent. This is the reason this type of love is highly discouraged in eastern culture.