Friday, April 4, 2014

How to benefit from mango nutrition in mango season

Mango is known as the king of fruits and is one of the sweetest fruits available these days. The taste of the mango is loveable. In the market it is available from April till September, though it can be obtained during winter as well from the cold storage but the taste differs. Summer is starting and mango season is approaching fast for all of us. There are different kinds of mangoes available throughout the world. Most of them are bulky in size and can be eaten in the same way. Some are comparatively smaller in size but more sweeter. Eating mangoes is really a fun along with taste. Here are some of the ways you can enjoy eating mangoes at home.

how to benefit from mango nutrition By cutting into cubes
Take two ripe pieces of mangoes of average size. Wash them good and keep them in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. When they are cool enough, take them out, wash once again and remove the thin peel on them. Make sure all the hard peel is removed and only the pulp remains. With the knife, cut the pulp into small cubes. Repeat the procedure with second piece as well. Put all the cubes in a bowl and enjoy the real taste of mangoes with a fork. Make sure they are cool enough when ready. If they have become warm, place them back in the refrigerator for about half an hour and enjoy them later. Children really love to eat mangoes this way as they remain clean and do not have to put much effort in peeling them, which is somewhat hard for them.
Another way is to add these cubes to fruit salad. It would definitely have a positive effect on the overall taste of the fruit.
 By blending to make a mango shake
Put half of the cubes prepared in the first method into the blender jug; add a tablespoon of sugar, about ¾ glass of cold milk. Blend it for about a minute. A very thick and tasty mango shake is ready. Pour it into a glass and enjoy the taste. It is yummy. Make sure you do not keep it in the glass for longer period of time or the pulp will settle down at the bottom of the glass and it would not taste that great as fresh. You will not need to eat anything after that, at least for a couple of hours and this glass would fill you enoughJ.

                                                            Eating mangoes without using any accessories
This is a bit different and a kind of funny way to enjoy the real taste of mangoes. For this purpose, you need the small sized mangoes with comparatively thicker peel. Wash them good; place them to get cool for a couple of hours in the fridge. Take them out, pick one of them, and remove the tip where it was attached to the branch. From the very bottom, start pressing the peel. Keeping doing it in all directions. Make sure you do not press it hard to tear the peel of the fruit. When the pulp no more remains hard but turns into a kind of semi juice, start pushing the whole content upward using your thumbs and finger. Put your mouth on the tip and start sucking the pulp. It will pass straight to your mouth and I bet you would have never felt that taste before. The mango really taste quite different and much sweeter this way. Keep pushing the whole content upwards and keep sucking. Also, keep softening the pulp with the help of fingers and thumb. When you feel the whole content is emptied in your mouth, push the big seed out and lick it well. The empty ball now remaining has left very less of the pulp. Suck it again to your mouth and one piece is done this way. Go for the next one now. In this way, you can eat more than one mango at a time and I am sure you will really feel the difference of taste.
Enjoy your summer eating mangoes…. J

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